• Hungry Minds
  • Posts
  • πŸ”πŸ§  Nvidia's AI Agent to Train... Robots?

πŸ”πŸ§  Nvidia's AI Agent to Train... Robots?

PLUS: Building Production-Ready LLM Applications πŸ—οΈ, ByteByteGo's System Design Resources πŸ“š, and DeepLearning.AI's Course on LangChain 🧠

Happy Monday!

Welcome to the 52 new hungry minds who have joined us since last Monday! 🀯If you aren’t subscribed, join smart, curious, and hungry folks by subscribing here.

In this week's issue:

  • πŸ—žοΈ Nvidia trains robots with an AI agent powered by GPT-4, Boston Dynamics' robot dog becomes a chatty tour guide, and Google Fiber offers outrageously fast 20Gbps service.

  • πŸ› οΈ Build production-ready RAG LLM applications, access free system design resources, and learn LangChain with a free DeepLearning.AI course.

  • πŸ’‘ Steal this business idea: AWSense, an AI-powered platform that optimizes system design for AWS infrastructure, tapping into the $200 billion cloud infrastructure market.

Reading time: 5 minutes


Food for Thought

Sharpen your mindset


β€˜We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’

Will Durant

Mindset: This quote reminds us that our actions shape who we become. It emphasizes the importance of consistently striving for excellence in everything we do.

Example: One example of a company that embodies this quote is Apple. From consistently delivering innovative products to providing exceptional customer experiences, Apple has made excellence a habit and achieved unprecedented success in the tech industry.

Action item: Today, focus on one task or goal and commit to doing it with excellence. Whether it's a work project or a personal endeavor, approach it with dedication and intentionality. By cultivating a habit of excellence in small daily actions, you'll create a foundation for success.


The Weekly Pulse

Tech, AI, and business news worth your time

Brief: Nvidia Research introduces Eureka, an AI agent empowered by GPT-4, enabling it to independently teach robots complex skills like pen-spinning tricks, opening drawers, tossing and catching balls, and more. The agent's innovative algorithms integrate generative and reinforcement learning methods to solve challenging tasks.

Takeaway: This breakthrough by Nvidia signifies a significant advancement in the field of AI agents, leveraging the power of GPT-4 to autonomously train robots. The integration of generative and reinforcement learning opens up possibilities for robots to acquire complex skills without task-specific prompts or pre-defined rewards, creating new opportunities for automation and efficiency in various industries.

Brief: Amazon Ads introduces image generation, a generative AI solution that enables advertisers to easily produce lifestyle images that enhance the performance of their ads, addressing the challenge of creating engaging and differentiated creatives while reducing cost and effort.

Takeaway: Amazon Ads aims to empower advertisers and improve the advertising experience by leveraging generative AI, reflecting the growing importance of AI-powered tools in the advertising industry and the potential for enhanced engagement and visual appeal with lifestyle creative assets.

Brief: Apple is reportedly planning to introduce generative AI technology on the iPhone and iPad by late 2024, potentially starting with the release of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, as the company aims to incorporate large language models into Siri and automate complex tasks, following the trend set by other tech giants.

Takeaway: Apple's venture into generative AI reflects the company's ambition to catch up with its competitors in the AI space and addresses the growing demand for more advanced and personalized AI features, setting the stage for potential advancements in automation and user experience in future iOS updates.

Brief: Boston Dynamics' famous robot dog Spot gains a new skill: talking. Integrating ChatGPT, Spot can now act as a tour guide, sharing information about the company's headquarters and interacting with visitors of different personalities.

Takeaway: This integration of generative AI into Spot showcases the potential for robots to not only perform physical tasks but also engage in conversations and provide personalized experiences. With advancements in AI technology, we may see more robots taking on interactive roles in various industries, from hospitality to customer service.

Brief: Google is planning to upgrade some of its Google Fiber users to a blazing-fast 20Gbps service by the end of the year, offering an early access program to a select group of customers and utilizing Nokia's 25G PON technology to enable this bandwidth boost over existing fiber lines.

Takeaway: With the introduction of 20Gbps service, Google Fiber is pushing the boundaries of internet speed, marking its ambition to continue leading the market in ultra-fast internet connectivity and leverage Nokia's technology advancements to fulfill the growing demand for data-intensive tasks and content creation, setting a new benchmark for ISPs and potentially revolutionizing the way we consume and produce digital content.

Brief: Perplexity, an AI search startup, has raised new funding led by venture capital firm IVP, boosting its valuation to $500 million as it aims to challenge Google's dominance in online search with its conversational search engine powered by artificial intelligence.

Takeaway: The substantial funding raised by Perplexity reflects the growing interest and investment in generative AI startups, highlighting the potential for AI-powered search engines to disrupt the online search market currently dominated by tech giants like Google, paving the way for increased competition and innovation in the industry.


The Rabbit Hole

Tools, trends, and resources curated to get you ahead

TREND (practical LLMs) β†’ Building RAG LLM applications that are ready for production

GITHUB REPO (system design) β†’ Hundreds of free resources on system design from ByteByteGo

COURSE (LangChain for real) β†’ A free course from DeepLearning.AI on LangChain and its core constructs

ARTICLE (dead-code) β†’ How Meta came up with a set of tools/frameworks to remove dead code

TREND (AWS in a weekend) β†’ How to build a system from scratch on AWS in a weekend (affiliate tracking)

GITHUB REPO (more context length) β†’ Teaching the LLMs about memory to get β€œinfinite context length”

ARTICLE (better be safe than sorry SRE version) β†’ 11 lessons learned from Site Reliability Engineers at Google


What If?

The business idea you should steal

πŸ’‘πŸŒ AWSense

(AWS + AI insights)

What? An AI-powered platform that optimizes system design for AWS infrastructure.

How? Use a pre-trained model of AWS infrastructure documents to generate insights for customers to apply in their system. Incorporate machine learning algorithms to identify potential bottlenecks, suggest improvements, and streamline the deployment process.

Why? With the increasing adoption of AWS and the complexity of system design in cloud infrastructure, there is a growing demand for tools that can optimize the performance and efficiency of these systems. This idea differentiates itself by providing an automated and intelligent solution for system design, enabling companies to make the most out of their AWS infrastructure. The global cloud infrastructure market is projected to reach $200 billion by 2026, highlighting the potential market value for innovative solutions in this domain.



The most important meal of your day

That’s it for today! β˜€οΈ

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Thanks for spending part of your Monday morning with Hungry Minds.
See you in a week β€” Alex.